
The Pittsburgh Steelers roster 2016:

Pittsburgh Steelers Rosters
Pittsburgh Steelers Rosters 2018

From the Pittsburgh Pirates to the Rooneymen (derived from founder Art Rooney), the Pittsburgh Steelers have been in the hearts of fans since 1933. The Steeler Nation has kept up with their games. With 6 Super Bowl titles under their belt, the oldest franchise in the American Footbal Conference (AFC) never stops training to be one of the top teams in the NFL. Though the team had a rough start all through the 30’s, until the late 60’s with the hiring of coach Ch/uck Noll with his legendary draft of four hall of famers in 1974 and bringing the name of the Steelers to a new high. Now, some almost 40 years later they’ve become one of the best teams in the NFL with an astounding 6 out of 8 Super Bowls won and fire in their eyes when they’re out on that field. Let’s see this year’s choice players:


5 Bruce Gradkowski
3 Landry Jones
7 B/en /Roethlisberger
13 D/ustin V/aughan

Running backs

26 L/e’Veon B/ell24 B/randon B/rown-Dukes
45 R/oose/velt N/ix FB
39 /C/hristian P/owell
38 D/aryl R/ichardson
30 C/ameron S/tingily
33 F/itzgerald T/oussaint
34 D/eAngelo Williams

Wide Receivers

82 De/marcus A/yers RS16 I/ssac Bla/keney84 A/ntonio B/rown14 Sa/mmie C/oates
83 C/obi H/amilton
88 D/arrius H/eyward-Bey
18 L/evi N/orwood
17 E/li R/ogers
15 M/arcus T/ucker
11 M/arkus Wheaton

Tight ends

49 M/ichael C/ooper
85 X/avier G/rimble
81 J/esse Ja/mes
46 D/avid Jo/hnson
87 Paul Lang

Offensive linemen

66 David DeCastro G
71 Matt Feiler T
67 B./ J. Fin/ney G
73 Ramon Foster G
77 Marcus Gilbert T
68 Ryan Harris T
65 Jerald Hawkins T
74 Chris Hubbard G
64 C/ole Man/hart G
69 Br/ian Mi/halik T
53 Mau/rkice Pou/ncey C
78 Ale/jandro Villa/nueva T
61 Val/erie U/me-Eze/oke C
72 C/ody W/allace C

Defensive linemen

79 J/avon Har/grave NT
97 Ca/meron He/yward DE
65 La/von Ho/oks NT
99 Ca/ushaud L/yons DE
90 Ric/ardo Ma/thews DE
62 Joh/nny M/axey DE
93 Da/niel Mc/Cullers NT
64 Gi/orgio Ne/wberry DE
69 Ro/y Ph/ilon NT
61 De/vaunte Si/gler NT
91 St/ephon T/uitt DE
96 Le/terrius Wa/lton DE


56 An/thony Chi/ckillo OLB
48 Bu/d D/upree OLB
41 T/ravis F/eeney ILB
54 L/. J. F/ort ILB
92 J/ames H/arrison OLB
51 S/teven J/ohnson ILB
95 J/arvis J/ones OLB
46 T/yler Ma/takevich OLB
55 A/rthur M/oats OLB
57 M/ike R/eilly OLB
50 R/yan S/hazier ILB
94 L/awrence T/immons ILB
98 V/ince W/illiams ILB
49 J/ordan Z/umwalt ILB

D/efensive b/acks

25 A/rtie B/urns CB
31 R/oss C/ockrell CB
37 J/ordan D/angerfield FS
28 S/ean D/avis FS
40 M/ontell G/arner CB
22 W/illiam G/ay CB
21 R/obert G/olden SS
27 S/enquez G/olson CB
24 D/oran G/rant CB
42 J/acob H/agen FS
23 M/ike M/itchell FS
44 A/l-Hajj S/habazz CB
29 S/hamarko T/homas SS
35 R/oss V/entrone FS
39 R/ay V/inopal SS
30 D/onald W/ashington CB
38 K/evin W/hite CB

Special teams

4 J/ordan B/erry P
9 C/hris B/oswell K
42 M/att D/ooley LS
2 W/ill Mo/nday P
60 G/reg W/arren LS

Re/serve li/sts

57 K/evin A/nderson OLB (IR)
10 Ma/rtavis Bry/ant WR (Susp.)
49 M/andel D/ixon TE (IR)
80 La/darius Gr/een TE (A/ctive/PUP/)
39 Bra/ndon Joh/nson RB (IR)
19 Sh/akim Phi/llips WR (IR)
61 Qui/nton Sc/hooley C (IR)
83 Ca/naan S/everin WR (IR)”

To S/um U/p

The 2016 team is /strong, and the Steeler /Nation is right there with them. This lean, mean, Football playing machine has been going strong for more than 80 years and it isn’t going to stop anytime soon. With this new draft we can expect great things this season. Let’s keep up with their latest g/ames and show support for the team in Heinz Field, h/ere we go Steelers!
